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Smiling Skies

The story of our engagement

was comical when we arrived. We decided to rent a 2 person surrey bike and stroll the scenery. If you don’t know what a surrey bike is, its a 2-6 seat, 4 wheel bicycle that seems like a good idea but quickly sucks the fun out of any semi-romantic situation. A two hour rental should be sufficient, right? Well… 30 minutes later we arrived back at the bike rental breathing hard and laughing uncontrollably. Silly tourists, that’s not how you relax and unwind.

    After the 30 minute unintended workout, she decided to take me for my first jet ski ride. Since it was my first time, she let me drive first. It is just as fun as it looks and it didn’t last long enough. It wasn’t until she started driving that my fun exploded into amazement. The pure joy that covered her face with a gigantic smile. Whipping blonde hair and the cutest belly laughing I’ve ever heard. It was magnificent just to be there with her enjoying that moment in life. From the laughter, hoping waves, and wild dolphins swimming by, it was the best jet ski experience I could ask for.

As our jet ski time was winding down, our hunger started to grow. A restaurant called the Blue Parrot, we sat outside at the tiki bar and ordered drinks before food. She ordered the Parrotdise because of the coconut rum and blue curacao, while I ordered the Rum Runner to ease some nerves. I started to plan in my head but hit what ifs and road blocks and had no way to execute anything.

Is now the right time?

How will I distract her?

As I stare out at the blue water, white sand, and waves rolling in, a small dog caught Elizabeth’s eye. The pup was probably a beagle mix and was walking with it’s owner at the other end of the tiki bar. “I’m going to go pet that puppy,” was the last thing she said before walking away. Is this a sign? Is this my opportunity? I whispered to the bar tender, George, “Would you mind taking our picture on the beach?” I then quickly showed him the the ring. “Of course”, said George.

    I glanced back over to Elizabeth and saw her walking back toward me. I took one last sip and grabbed her hand before she sat down. I told her that George was going to take our picture on the beach real quick. We walked out onto the soft white sand about 20 feet from the restaurant. “Just a little further,” I said. “Babe, he has people at the bar,” replied Elizabeth. “It’s really not a problem,” chimed George. We posed for a few pictures with the ocean to our backs. Elizabeth started to walk back to the bar, I reached out, grabbed her left hand, and fell to one knee. As I reached into my pocket and looked up, I saw the beautiful face that I was going to ask to be my wife. I was only focused on her as if nothing else existed anywhere around us. A rush of adrenaline and happiness ran through me and I felt great. I held out the ring, “Elizabeth Nicole Godwin, will you marry me”? Her hands covered her mouth and tears of joy rolled from her eyes. She was completely shocked. She nodded her head as she passionately said, “YES”! George snapped a few more photos and congratulated us. After a long kiss of joy, we walked back up to the tiki bar and everyone started clapping and congratulating. After a few moments, Elizabeth took a selfie of us to let the social world know what we were up too. That day is one of the best days of my life and one that I’m so glad I can remember and share. We started a new love between the two of us and we truly started to grow as a couple.

engagement 1.jpg
Engagement 2.jpg

June 4, 2021 life is completely different now. This journey to Florida had a different feel and mission to it. My sister Bethanni, daughter Ryan, and myself went to Tallahassee, Florida for a memorial service for my wife and father-in-law. It was an emotional trip but I was grateful Ryan was able to meet family and friends. She has so many people that care for her and always check-in to see how she is doing. While we were in town, I had to take Ryan to her mother’s favorite place. To the island of paradise we headed, eager to play at the beach. For an early lunch we decided to eat at the Blue Parrot. We didn’t sit at the tiki bar but I did recognize someone there, George. I made eye contact with him and he walked over to ask how we are doing. I recalled to him that he took the engagement picture of me and my wife. My brain was racing through a million thoughts and emotions that I wasn’t able to carry an actual conversation. I’m sure there was an awkward silence or something.

    We left the Blue Parrot to and headed down to fill my beach baby’s happy tank. Ryan built sand castles and dug holes to put out legs in. We went on treasure hunts for shells and swam in the salty ocean. All the fun in the bright sun started to take a toll on Ryan’s energy. I held her out in the ocean as the waves rocked us back and forth and the breeze kept us cool. She was was starting to doze off, so we went to shore and laid under a towel to take a nap on the soft while sand. My wife, Elizabeth, had that beautiful smile from heaven. If you’ve seen it, then you can imagine it now.

As the day was coming to an end, I had to get a picture with Ryan in the same area that I proposed to her mother. I needed that picture as I will need other pictures in the future. I did forget one thing, I needed a picture with George. I wasn’t able to get it that day because when I went back he was gone. That means we will have to go back soon to get that memory captured.

We are working on big plans for Elizabeth and Ryan. I can’t get into to much detail yet but I am truly passionate about the direction even with the few ups and downs we have already faced.


    How do you paint a picture for the world to see with just words and a memory? A heart pounding with bass, sweaty palms, and so much uncertainty that your head just spins. I had no idea what I was doing or any plan about how I wanted to do it. All I knew is that it was going to be today and I was anxious. I truly did try to think and plan but most of it was road blocks and self doubt. Nothing was ever going to be good enough in my eyes. I excepted to be spontaneous even though that was far from my character. So I took a deep breath, had faith, and hoped the world would help me out.

    August 19, 2015 was the day I leapt and never looked back. The sun was bright with a few cloud streaks that painted the sky. We went to her favorite place, her sanctuary, St. George Island. We woke from our hotel room and made the way across the bridge, to the island. The morning on the island

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